Summer Internship Experience

2 min readAug 26, 2022

Deltatech Gaming Limited (formerly known as Gaussian Networks) has been a front runner in India’s online gaming industry since 2011. They are India’s biggest and most trusted brand, catering to India’s growing gaming population with our top of the line gaming apps like Adda52, Adda52Games, Add52Rummy through the best in class gaming experience.

I have been working as a Software Developer for the backend Team. My task is more inclined towards creating and maintaining websites and applications using tools and languages like NodeJs, Jenkins, Rabbit MQ , APM logs, Kubernetes and more.

Adda52 workspace

It’s been a great experience working here as I have learned so many new skills The skills that I have acquired during my internship have been HTML, CSS, Javascript , NodeJs, SQL, Mongo DB. During my working period, I have worked mostly on Node.js. I have also worked on the tech documentation. From the Node end I have worked on the features of two major projects: ‘delta panel’ and ‘Adda52 NodeJs microservices’.

Currently, I am working on the tech documentation which is basically creating a document for every API so that people can understand the flow and it is easy for everyone. The company has taught me professionalism, discipline, and teamwork and I have gotten to know the working of the company as a whole.

Thank you for reading!

